Policy on attendance   Students are required to
attend all lectures. After the first two weeks, attendance will be
recorded on the basis of (unannounced) quizzes. Missing a quiz, or
failing to collect one, each counts as an absence. Failing to hand in
a homework set, or handing in homework deemed unacceptable, counts as
half an absence. The fare is:
<= 4 absences:
5 points credit (out of 100)
20% absences:
grade penalty
30% absences:
F on the course
The percents above refer to fraction of times attendance was recorded,
not fraction of class meetings. So if, say, attendance was recorded 20
times, and you were absent 5 times, this counts as 25% absences.
Grading policy
The score on the final will replace the lower score on partial exams
if the student is in good standing, meaning: no penalty on absences.
Dates of partial exams
exam 1
Feb 24
exam 2
Jun 12
CH-232, 6--7:30 pm
Exam material is usually announced in class. Dates and topics
supersede any information found in the main syllabus.
Last modified: Thu Jun 8 17:53:57 AST 2017