MATE 3022 help sessions
Help sessions will be in a classroom to be specified. Each will start
with a short quiz, then some problems will be posted on the
black(white)board, and some students will work them out, for group
discussion. Your points will be the average of one point for being
present, and the points you earn on the quiz, which range from 0 to
2. So each session you attend will earn you 0.5 -- 1.5 points. Do come
prepared: I will indicate which topics to prepare; check this list
often, as it will be updated continually. The semester will be divided
into six periods; there will be one session per period.
First meeting: Feb 6.
Second meeting: Feb 21. Topics: (iii)--(vi) from practice.
Third meeting: Mar 6. Topics: (iv)--(vii) from practice.
Fourth meeting: Apr 4. Topics: (viii)--(x) from practice.
Fifth meeting: Apr 17. Topics: (x)--(xii) from practice.
Sixth meeting: May 1. Topics: (xi)--(xiv) from practice .
Last modified: Fri Apr 26 15:50:33 AST 2013