Students are
required to attend all lectures. Attendance will be recorded on the
basis of (unannounced) quizzes. Missing a quiz, or failing to collect
one, each counts as an absence. The fare is:
<= 4 absences:
4 points bonus (out of 100 for the course)
> 6 absences:
2 points penalty for each additional absence
Note that showing up for exams does not count, by itself, as
(Added 25/08) As per university policy, the student is required to
attend the section s/he is signed in. Quiz taken in another section
than the student's own may be corrected, but will not be graded. There
is no make-up for quiz. Auditing another section may be allowed on a
limited-time basis, and requires permission of the instructor. It does
not make up for absence in that student's section.
(28/8) The above information should suffice, but in case there is
still any confusion, quiz given in different sections is random not
only in content, but in dates given. An unlikely, but theoretically
possible occurence is that one section will have half as many more
quizzes given than another section.
(10/10) As of 17/10, homework not handed in person will not be
accepted. (17/10) And it goes without saying that homework handed in
by students who presently choose not to stay in class, will be
Grading policy
The score on quiz + homework will replace the lower score on partial
exams, if it improves it.
Students requiring special arrangement during exams (acomodo
razonable) must notify me a week before the test.