MATE 3063 homework

Homework sets are incremental: each set contains the previous ones. The reason is that I will grade only selected exercises, which will be paired with some (not all) of the quiz and exam problems, and regular quizzes and exams are comprehensive: they bear on all material covered so far. For this reason, I recommend (correction: require) that you keep all the homework exercises in a single notebook, which we will exchange back and forth during the semester. Unlike the Web Assign exercises, homework problems are graded not only for the correct answer, but for carefully showing the steps.
Also, number the exercises according to the practice set numbering, not according to their source, if from Stewart.
(Added) there seems to be some confusion about what this means. So, for instance, the first problem of the homework set is exercise 1 of the practice set, which corresponds to exercise 6 of 14.1 of Stewart. You must number it problem 1.
The seventh problem of the homework set is exercise 13 of the practice set, which corresponds to exercise 39 of section 14.1 of Stewart. You must number it not 7, not 39, but 13. The last problem of the first homework is problem number 25.
In some cases, I am asking the student to redo an exercise. To help me find the new version, make it a practice to number the pages in your booklet, and make a note pointing to the page of the new version right by my initial comment.
Homework 1 (due Sep 13): exercises 1,4,6,7,9,12,13,15,18, 20,21,23,24,25 of the practice problems.
Homework 2 (due Oct 4): sections 14.3-14.4: mostly computational practice, so, exercises 26--59 of the practice set.
Homework 3 (due Oct 25): exercises 61,65,66,67,68,70,72,73,76, 78,82,84,85,86,87,88 of the practice set.
Homework 4, due Nov 22: exercises 99,101,104,105,106,109, 111,113,115,116,119,120,122,124,125,129,130,131,132,134, 135,136,137,143,145,146,147,148 of the practice set.
Homework 5, due Dec 6: exercises 19, 22, 149, 152, 153, 156, 157, 158, 160--178 of the practice set.
A reminder that homework is cumulative, and to be handed in a single booklet - not more than one booklet will be accepted. The last collection will be used as follows: it is my policy to give the student in good standing not more than one grade less than the grade on the final, if it improves on the total grade. This means that if your grade on the final is, say, B, then you will receive at least a C on the course, even if your total grade (counting the final) is D or F.
Remains to define ``good standing'': you are in good standing if you have not accumulated excessive absences (refer to my policy on attendance), and if, out of certain problems randomly selected from homeworks one through five, you score at least fifty percent. In this case, it will be a total of ten problems, three of which will be selected from the practice problems 18--21, 22--25 (where you may use polar coordinates), 37, 38, 68, 70, 86--88, 105 (compare with the quiz problem), 106, 147, 178.
Last modified: Tue Nov 29 23:46:32 AST 2011