Students are
required to attend all lectures. Attendance will be recorded on the
basis of (unannounced) quizzes. Missing a quiz, or failing to collect
one, each counts as an absence. The fare is (percentages refer to the
total of recorded attendance):
<= 15% absences:
4 points bonus (out of 100 for the course)
between 25 and 35%:
incremental point penalty
> 35%:
F on the course
There is no make-up for quiz. Note that showing up for exams does not
count, by itself, as attendance.
It is strictly forbidden to use cell phones, web browsers or such, in
class or during office hours.
Grading policy
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
6 pts bonus
The average of the score on the final, and the score on quiz/homework,
will replace the lower score on partial exams, if it improves it.
Students requiring special arrangement during exams (acomodo
razonable) must notify me a week before the test.
Dates of partial exams
exam 1
Oct 3
exam 2
Nov 7
Exams are in class.
Last modified: Tue May 1 22:33:46 AST 2018