Grading policy
quiz/homework 30%
webwork 20%
partials 15% each
final 20%
Students requiring special arrangement during exams (acomodo razonable) must notify me a week before the test.
Dates of partial exams
exam 1 week of Sep 21
exam 2 week of Oct 19

Plan for the semester: as mentioned above, evaluation is based on practice and exams. The final, and at least one of the partials, will be synchronous (limited to a short time period). There will also be weekly synchronous (less than an hour) quiz, and homework collected weekly. The homework will consist of practice to do on your own (in preparation for quiz), and a few problems to write up and hand in. There is no score on homework per se; rather, since the quiz problems will usually be associated with some of the homework problems, I will compare your solution of each, and if there is a tangible connection, the homework solution will boost, if needed, your score on the quiz. The other purpose of homework is to give you feedback on the use of style and notation, and effective solution method. Except for webwork, all the work you hand in, will be open questions, with correct method considered more important than exact solution. I will explain better my criteria as we move along.
How to deal with the remote distance quandary: my computer is recovering from a crash, and I hope to get to be able to use high-tech tools in two weeks maybe. Meanwhile, I will assign readings from the text, but there will be no audio-visuals; for now, I will count on your patience. I will start posting material in the next 24h.
Any work you hand in (hw or quiz or exam) will be in the form of a single pdf file. It does not need to be typed or digitally processed. So you will be required to learn how to scan several pages of written text and drawings, and turn that into a pdf file.
Most of the communication will be through the Moodle platform: . If you have not used it already, you will find a set of tutorials for the student, from the link itself.

Last modified: Tue May 1 22:33:46 AST 2018