Policy on attendance
  Students are required to attend all lectures. Attendance will be recorded on the basis of (unannounced) quizzes. Missing a quiz, or failing to collect one, each counts as an absence. The fare is:
<= 4 absences: 4 points bonus (out of 100 for the course)
> 6 absences: 2 points penalty for each additional absence
Grading policy
quiz + webwork 16+8=24%
partials 50%
final 26%
The score on quiz + webwork will replace the lower score on partial exams, if it improves it.
Students requiring special arrangement during exams (acomodo razonable) must notify me a week before the test.
Dates of partial exams
exam 1 Mar 23 PA-204
exam 2 May 4 PA-205
Exams are at 18:00--19:30 (6:00-7:30pm).

Last modified: Tue May 1 22:33:46 AST 2018