Policy and dates

Policy on attendance   Students are required to attend all lectures. The penalty for unexcused absences is:
2-3 absences: grade penalty
4 absences: F on the course
In addition to regular quizzes, there will be pop quizzes. They are the means by which I record attendance. Missing a quiz, or failing to collect one, each counts as an absence.
Grading policy
homework 20%
quiz 20%
partials 40%
final 20%
participation -3 <--> +3
``Participation'' refers to attending the help sessions (a.k.a. office hours). ``Attendance'' to those sessions means being present for at least 60mn (arrival and departure times will be recorded for this purpose). Zero visits will result in a score of -3; six visits or more will result in a score of +3. Extra points may be earned for active participation. The semester will be divided into six periods, and you may earn at most one point (or two points) per period. The periods are:
aug 16 -- aug 30
sep 5 -- sep 20
sep 24 -- oct 4
oct 8 -- oct 18
oct 22 -- nov 8
nov 14 -- nov 29
Those students who cannot show up during the posted hours, and do not want to be penalised, must contact me for alternative arrangement. Contacting me is done in person, I do not keep track of e-mail.
The score on the final will replace the lower score of the two partial exams if the student is in good standing, meaning: satisfactory record of class attendance (not more than 2 absences), adequate participation in help sessions (score of at least one), and a score of at least 50% on homework.
Dates of partial exams and quizzes
exam: Sep 7
quiz: week of Sep 24
exam: Oct 24
quiz: Nov 26

Last modified: Thu Nov 1 21:33:16 AST 2012