COMP6839: Matrix Computations (Spring 10, Graduate Course)
Below are the course syllabus (where you find information about the textbook, the topics, and the grading scheme
etc.) and some MatLab information. The page is updated monthly during the semester.
(1) Pages 73-74: Problems 2.5.1 - 2.5.5 Problems 2.5.9 - 10;
(2) Page 108: Problems 3.3.3.
Hand in your HW by Feb 20.
NOTE: Copy the papers that were distributed in class as early as possible, and then have a quick look
at them before we meet on Feb 12. We will be talking about selection of the papers for your Final Project.
(1) Page 159: Problems 4.3.10-4.3.11; (2) Page 172: 4.4.5, 4.4.7; (3) Page 191, Problem 4.6.1-3;
(4) Page 203-204: Problems 4.7.3-4; 4.7.12-14 (5) Page 254 , Problem 5.4.1-5.
Hand in your HW 2 by March 30.
NOTE: We will discuss the answers in class.
(1) Page 318, Problems 7.1.1-6; (2) Page 372, Problems 7.6.2; 7.6.6.
Hand in your HW 3 by April 20.
(1) We will discuss the answers in class.
(2) Show your plan or the steps of your project, print out
the related papers you found from the web/journals and then write out the main results based on the
topics. Show your progress in class, including your results.
Important: We will be having our midterm EXAM on April 28 in class from 8pm through 10:30pm.
The hard copy files will be distrubuted in the exam. Note that the exam covers all the topics we
have studied so far.
Work on your Project. Show me your basic results and the outline
of your project Report.
Continue working on your project. Show me your progress and results
We will discuss your results.
NOTE: Your FINAL Project must be emailed by May 13.
Presentations are scheduled to take place on the following days in the classroom.
Welcome to ask questions and discuss your `research' problems.
The following Matlab materials are cheated from WWW....directly by google.
If you would like to know more, please click on the following link.
Good luck, if you are taking this course.
Last updated Jan 24, 2010