MATH6025: Numerical Linear Algebra (Fall 09, Graduate Course)
Below are the course syllabus and some related materials we are going to use. The page is updated
monthly during the semester.
Page 41-43, Problems: 2, 4, 11, 18, 21, 24, 25, 29, 30, 32.
Hand in your HW 1 by October 1.
NOTE: Copy the papers distributed in class as early as possible, and then had a quick look at them before
we meet on Oct 7. We will be talking about selections of the papers for your Final Project.
Hard copies of HW-2 distributed in class. Hand in HW before
deadline date. NOTE: In you program the matrix should have
size at least 20.
Write out every precondition matrix in your project, print out
the spectral radius you obtain in every step and then arrange
them in the descending order. Hand in your program and your results
together by deadline date.
IMPORTANT: Midterm EXAM is schedlued to take place on November 5 in class. I will distribute the hard copy
files on that day. Note that the exam will cover all the topics we studied in this class.
Work on your Project. Show me your initial results and the outline
of your project Report.
Continue working on your project. Show your calculations.
We will discuss your results.
NOTE: Your FINAL Project must be emailed to me by December 2 at 10pm.
Your Presentation is scheduled to take place on December 3, Thursday, at 12:30 in class.
If you have any questions, please let me know before your presentation.
The following Matlab materials are cheated from WWW....directly by google.
If you would like to know more, please click on the following link.
Good luck, if you are taking this course.
Last updated August, 2009