Assigned exercises.
Each section has three groups of exercises: group I consists of basic
exercises, group II, applications, group III, communication and
reasoning. From set 3 on, I will collect only exercises from groups II
and III. It is your responsibility to identify and solve those
exercises from group I which form the background of the assigned
Write on the recto side of the sheet only, leaving the other side for
my occasional comments. For those word problems with a long preamble,
you may summarise the text, rather than copy verbatim. But in the
solution, you must provide explanations and show the steps.
Set 2: due 6/2.
Set 3: due 10/2.
Set 4: due 17/2.
Set 5: for 24/2 (practice, not to hand in).
Set 6: due 3/3.
Set 7: due 10/3.
Set 8: due 17/3.
Set 9: due 29/3.
Set 10: due 5/4.
Set 11: due 7/6.
Set 12: due 14/6.
Set 13: due 23/6.
Set 14: last set, not to hand in.
Last modified: Tue Jun 20 22:44:04 AST 2017