MATE 3031 Practice problems

You are responsible for the problems posted in the syllabus . You do not have to spend the same amount of time on every problem, but you must identify groups of problems corresponding to each topic, and you must spend enough time on as many from each group, as you think is necessary for you to grasp that topic. On quizzes and tests, you are graded for carefully justifying the steps, not simply for getting the right answer. Clusters of problems posted here will be identified by the posting date; problems posted on, say, Wednesday, are fair game for an unannounced quiz on the following Monday.

(27/01) Topics: (i) Functions and their graphs; domain, range, set notation, symmetries. (ii) Injectivity, surjectivity, existence of inverse. (iii) Family of exponential functions and their properties; also, logarithmic functions. Problems: those I indicated in class.
(5/02) (iv) Limit of a function, limit laws: problems from sections 2.2, 2.3 of syllabus. (v) Definition of limit in terms of the 2-player game: exercises 1--4 of section 2.4. Note that "delta" in these problems is simply the radius chosen by player I. Also, exercises 15, 17, 19, 23, 24, 27 of the same section. In each case, state the formula giving player I's strategy (in response to player II's choice of r), and illustrate graphically, drawing horizontal strips and vertical slashed strips. (vi) Graphical method for solving inequalities f(x) <= 0 ( or f(x) >= 0 ). Perform on the following examples:
* x squared - 9 <= 0.
* | x-2 | >= 4.
(10/02) (vii) Continuity: definition, rules, intermediate value theorem. Exercises from syllabus. (viii) Limit at infinity, infinite limit (including definition). Exercises from syllabus, including 30 and 62, to test your grasp of the definition. For #30, specify the neighbourhood of infinity chosen by player I in response to the move y > r of player II (thereby revealing that the limit is indeed infinity). For #62, "epsilon" is the radius of the strip chosen by player II.
(19/02) (ix) derivative and rate of change. (x) Derivative as a function. (xi) Higher derivatives. (xii) Two algebraic rules of derivation. (xiii) Derivative of power and exponential function. Derivative of polynomials. Exercises from syllabus.
(25/02) (xiv) Product and quotient rule. (xv) Derivative of trigonometric functions. Exercises from syllabus.
(3/03) (xvi) Chain rule. Unless indicated otherwise, exercises from the syllabus.
(10/03) (xvii) Implicit differentiation. (xviii) Logarithmic functions and differentiation.
(13/03) (xix) Rates of change.
(9/04) (xx) Related rates. (xxi) Linear approximations. (xxii) Extrema and local extrema. (xxiii) Mean value theorem. (xxiv) Derivatives and the shape of the graph.
Sample third test
(14/04) (xxv) L'Hospital's rule.
(20/04) (xxvi) Curve sketching.
(25/04) (xxvii) Optimisation problems. (xxviii) Antiderivative.
(28/04) Sample fourth test
(29/04) (xxix) Area and distance.
(30/04) (xxx) Definite integral.
(8/05) (xxxi) Fundamental theorem of calculus. (xxxii) Substitution rule.
(14/05) (xxxiii) Area between curves.
Last modified: Wed May 15 00:12:14 AST 2013