MATE 5049   Calculus of variations

Where and when
MJ 9:00--10:15, in M-118.
Vector space: examples, subspaces, affine varieties, convexity and cones.
Normed linear space: definition, open and closed sets, convergence, continuity, Banach space, extreme values and compactness.
Hilbert space: pre-Hilbert space, approximation, minimum norm problems.
Dual spaces: linear functionals, dual, analytic and geometric forms of the Hahn-Banach theorem.
Linear operators and adjoints: fundamentals, invertibility, adjointness and duality, optimisation in Hilbert space.
Optimisation of functionals, local theory: Gateaux and Frechet differentials, extrema, Euler-Lagrange equations, constrained problems.
Optimisation of functionals, global theory: convex and concave functionals, dual optimisation problems, min-max theorem of Game theory.
Other topics, as time permits.
"Optimization by vector space methods" by David Luenberger, John Wiley, 1969.
Grading policy
homework 30%
project or presentation 15%
mid-term exam 25%
final exam 30%
Homework   updated Mar 10.

Last modified: Tue Mar 10 00:12:01 AST 2009