Monzon 201

January-May 2025

Name Institution Title Day and Time
Dr. Marcelo Suarez UPR Mayaguez Materials Science and the Quest for the Philosopher's Stone: Some Outcomes Marzo 4
Sr. Joeseph Martinez TELEMUNDO Más allá de los mapas: cómo las matemáticas aplicadas son fundamentales en la meteorología Marzo 6
Dra. Johana Romero UPR Mayaguez Dynamics of AMR beyond a single bacterial strain: revealing the existence of multiple equilibria and immune system-dependent transitions Marzo 11
Dr. Roberto Rivera UPR Mayaguez Estimating Counts Through an Average Rounded to the Nearest Non-negative Integer and its Theoretical & Practical Effects Marzo 25
Dra. Liliana Esquivel UPR Mayaguez A Riemann-Hilbert approach to the Fractional NSL equation on a half-line. March 27
Dr. Israel Almodovar UPR Mayaguez  Incorporating seasonality in functional magnetic resonance imaging to assess reliability Abril 1
Dra. Maytee Cruz UPR Cayey Metapopulation model framework for Puerto Rico applied to COVID-19. Abril 10

August-December, 2024

Name Institution Title Day and Time
Sr. Junior Arauz Aguilar UPR-Mayaguez Analisis de Resultados de Segunda y Tercera Fase de OMPR 2023-2024 21 Agosto
Dr. Jose Emilio Calderon UPR-Mayaguez Characterization and affine equivalence of k-rotation symmetric Boolean functions. 12 Sept
Sr. Jhixon Macias UPR-Mayaguez Una prueba topologica de la infinitud de los numeros primos 14 Nov
Dra. Angy C. Coronel UPR-Mayaguez Sentido numérico en estudiantes puertorriqueños 12 Nov
Dr. Wolfgang Rolke UPR-Mayaguez Brief History of the Most Famous Formula in Statistics 17 Oct
Dr. Istvan Mezo UPR-Mayaguez Algunos Espacios Topologicos exoticos 5 December

January-May, 2024

Name Institution Title Day and Time
Dr. Joaquin Rivera UPR-Humacao Explorando la teoría fractal y del caos en la narrativa de Jorge Luis Borges   Febrero 13
Dra. Ricela Feliciano Northern Illinois University The Students' Eyes Lens to Inform Our Math Teaching Feb 27
Dr. Gleason University of Alabama Infomation Session Math Education and Mathematics Febrero 29, 10:30 am
Dr. Felix Pabon Indiana University Information Session, BioStatistics Feb 29, 3:00 pm
Dr. Gabriel Montoya CUNY Graduate Center An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Knots Marzo 05
Dra. Leyda Almodovar Stonehill College Mathematical Modeling of DNA Self-Assembly Marzo 07
Dra. Liliana Esquivel Mora Universidad del Valle, Colombia Método de continuación analítica para la ecuación de Benjamín-Ono Mayo 07

August-December, 2023

Name Institution Title Day and Time
Dr. Jack Calcut Oberlin College Visual Proofs Oct 3
Dr. Donald Hoffman UC-Irvine Dynamics Beyond Spacetime Nov 14
Dr. Ivelisse Rubio UPR-Rio Piedras Extension of the covering method to any finite field Nov 28
Dr. Pablo V. Negron UPR-Humacao Deformations of rotating disks and spheres under self gravitation Dec 7
Dr. Emmanuel J. Morales Butler UPR-Utuado Identifying Outliers in Radio Astronomy Data

Using the Generalized Spectral Kurtosis Estimator

Dic 12

January-May, 2023

Name Institution Title Day and Time
Dr. Felix Gotti MIT Atomicity and the Ascending Chain Condition on Principal Ideals Feb 22-2023
Dr. Irena Swanson Purdue Primary Decomposition Feb-23, 2023
Dr. Ayman Badawi American University of Sharjah Absorbing Ideals in Commutative Rings: A Survey Feb-24, 2023
Dr. Manos Papadakis Univ. of Houston Fourier Analysis in era of AI Marzo 14
Dr. Alvaro Lozano Universidad de Connecticut Una demostracion corta del el ultimo teorema de Fermat Marzo 16
Dr. Andreas Mang Univ. of Houston Numerical Methods for PDE-Constrained Optimization problems governed by Hyperbolic Equations Mar 28
Dr. Erwin Suazo Univ. of Texas Probabilistic solutions of fractional differential and partial differential equations and their Monte Carlo simulations April 3
Dr. Luis Caceres Univ. of Puerto Rico De la maestría en UPRM al doctorado en U.S.A. Abril 20
Dr. Ken Ono University of Virginia What is the Riemann hypothesis May 2
Dr. Ken Ono University of Virginia New results in arithmetic statistics? May 4

August-December, 2022

Name Institution Title Day and Time
Dr. Maurice Rojas Texas A&M Counting Real Roots of "Fewnomials" Nov-10
Dr. Luis E. Medina UPR-Rio Piedras A characterization of k-rotations Boolean functions Nov-17
Dr. Deepam Patel Purdue University Enriched Hodge Structures Nov-22
Dr. Matthew Junge Baruch College Ballistic Annihilation Dic-06
Dra. Hortensia Soto Colorado State University Embodied Cognition: What is it? How does it Involve Mathematics? Dic-08

January-May, 2022

Name Institution Title Day and Time
Dr. Anna Zamojska-Dzienio Warsaw University of Technology Application of algebra to Knot Theory February-24
Dr. Sebastian Hurtado University of Chicago Espacios Simetricos y Reticulas Feb-25
Dr. Fernando Perez UC, Berkeley Jupyter: tools for open interactive computing across disciplines Feb-26
Dr. David Matteson Cornell University Drift vs Shift: Decoupling Trends and Changepoint Analysis Feb-26
Dr. Anna Zamojska-Dzienic Warsaw University of Tecnology New approach for solving Yang-Baxter equation March-8
Dr. Irena Swanson Purdue University Computing in Algebra March 17
Dr. Lev Steinberg UPR-Mayaguez Cosserat Plate Theory Abril 21

August-December, 2021

Name Institution Title Day and Time
Dr. Po-Shen Loh Carnegie Mellon University A New Approach for Fighting Infectious Disease, Combining Game Theory and Network Theory Sept 23
Dr. Maria Magdalena Boureanu University of Craiova, Romania Higher-order problems with variable exponents Sept 30
Dr. Erika Camacho Arizona State University The Role of RdCVFL in a Mathematical Model of  Photoreceptor Interactions Oct 14
Dr. Alejandro Velez UPR Mayaguez Analysis and Partial Differential Equations over 3D Koch-type Fractal Crystals Oct 28
Dr. Paolo Mantero University of Arkansas Symbolic powers of ideals, interpolation and related problems Nov 18
Dr. Alexander Diaz-Lopez Villa Nova University Arithmetical Structures on Graphs Dic 2

January-May, 2021

Name Institution Title Day and Time
Dr. Harry F. Oviedo Leon CIMAT Adaptive scaled gradient methods for Optimization on the Stiefel Manifold. Feb-4, 10:30 am
Dr. Israel Almodovar University of Puerto Rico, Ciencias Medicas Kernel-estimated Nonparametric Overlap-Based Syncytial Clustering Feb-11
Dr. Jairo A. Ayala Universidad del Caribe Eliminación automática del músculo pectoral en mamografías según sus características anatómicas. Feb 16
Mr. Anuj Bajaj Wayne State University Solving a continuous multifacility location problem by DC algorithms Feb 18
Dr. Alcibiades Bustillo University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez A New Family of 3D Watermarks. Feb-23
Dr. Anderson Vera University of Strasbourg Quantum Invariants of 3-manifolds and the mapping class group Feb 25
Dr. Brandilyn. Stigler Southern Methodist University Algebraic Methods for Biological Data Science Marzo 4
Dr. Diego Villamizar Tulane University Properties of extensions of the classical derangements. Marzo 9
Sr. Jonathan Lopez NC State, Raleigh Their Voices, Their Lived Experiences and What Influence Them: A Mixed Methods Study on Students’ Perceptions of Required General Education Mathematics Marzo-11
Dr. Edwin Flórez Universidad Politecnica Mini-servidores en Raspberry Pi con Webwork para las escuelas de difícil acceso a Internet Marzo - 18
Dr. Isabel Besembel University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Desarrollo de software OO guiado por modelos en UML 2.5 Abril 8

Spring 2020

Name Institution Title Day
Dr. John Feo Pacific Northwest Laboratory Data Analytics at Scale Feb 6, 10:30 am, S-114
Dr. Francisco Brana AVEVA Group Leveraging your education, curiosity and initiative in a increasingly digital World Feb 20
Dr. Gideon Zamba University of Iowa Learn about Biostatistics- the application of Statistics in biological and public health problems! Marzo 5

Fall 2019

Name Institution Title Day
Dra. Maytee Cruz UPR-Cayey Modelos de Enfermedades de Transmision Sexual 26-Sept
Dr. Alejandro Velez UPR Mayaguez Fine regularity for the Robin problem over irregular domains 10-Oct
Dr. Roberto Rivera UPR Mayaguez Atomic Level Structural Dynamics in Catalysts 29-Oct
Dr. Pablo Negron UPR Humacao Chaotic dynamics of a three particle array under Lennard--Jones type forces and a fixed area constraint 7-Nov
Srta. Maria Sanchez Univ. of Minnesota Mechanisms and management of litter-mediated hysteresis in enriched grasslands 2-Dic
Dr. Raul Machiavelli UPR Mayaguez Seed rain along a gradient of degradation in a Caribbean dry forest: \\ Fitting a generalized linear mixed model to analyze large counts. 3-Dic

Spring 2017

Name Institution Title Day
Dr. Michel L. Lapidus UC-Riverside Can One Hear the Shape of Fractal Drum? March 2

Fall 2016

Name Institution Title Day
Dra. Marggie Gonzalez UPR - Mayaguez El uso de tecnología en la enseñanza de las matemáticas en el nivel secundario SEPT-15
Dra. Dorothy Bollman UPR - Mayaguez Determining steady state behaviour of discrete monomial dynamical systems OCT 6
Dr. Rafael Martinez UPR - Mayaguez El entendimiento de los estudiantes del calculo diferencial de las funciones de 2 variables OCT-11
Dra. Maytee Cruz UPR - Cayey Kolmogorov Equations Applied to a SIS coupled Epidemiological Model OCT 18
Dr. Alejandro Velez UPR - Mayaguez Variable exponent differential equations with dynamical boundary conditions OCT-27
Dra. Karen Rios UPR - Mayaguez Modelling Coral Reef Response to Destructive Fishing Practices with Predator-Prey Interactions NOV- 3
Dr. Pablo Negron UPR - Humacao The repulsion property in nonlinear elasticity and a numerical scheme to circumvent it NOV 15

Spring 2015

Name Institution Title Day
Dr. Russell Miller City University of New York Computability Theory at Work: Factoring Polynomials and Finding Roots 17 FEB
Dr. Alejandro Aceves Southern Methodist University Quantum Mechanics and photonics crossing paths: the study of Parity-Time (PT) symmetric systems 24 FEB
Profa. Mary E. Falk de Losada Universidad Antonio Narino Esta cambiando la forma en que se hace matematicas y la matematica que se hace como resultado de las olimpiadas de matematicas? 26 FEB
Dr. Frank Morgan Williams College Optimal Tilings 26 FEB, PM
Dr. Hector Salas UPR Mayaguez Continuous Transformations on Banach Spaces 17 MARZO
Dr. Ivelisse Rubio UPR Rio Piedras Applications of the covering method for computing p-divisibility of exponential sums 26 MARZO
Dr. Karen Rios-Soto UPR Mayaguez On the estimation of epidemiological parameters: dengue fever in PR as an example 16 April
Dr. Edgar Acuna UPR Mayaguez Statistics, Data Mining, Big Data Analytics, And Data Science: more than a play of names 7 MAYO

Fall 2014

Name Institution Title Day
Dr. Arturo Portnoy UPR Mayaguez WeBWorK: un sistema de pruebas electronicas: gratuito, abierto y endosado por el MAA 2 OCT
Dr. Roberto Rivera UPR Mayaguez ADEM A Dynamic Linear Model to Forecast Number of Hotel Rooms Occupied in Puerto Rico Using Google Trends Search Query Data 21 OCT
Dr. Remi Megret UPR Mayaguez Computer vision for wearable video sensors: from stochastic filtering theory to applications in activity monitoring. 23 OCT
Dr. Victor Ocasio UPR Mayaguez Determining the computational complexity of an isomorphism Nov 6
Dr.Stan Dziobiak UPR Mayaguez ON EXCLUDED MINORS IN GRAPHS Nov 20
Dr. Eva Petkova New York University Personalized Medicine and Generated Effect Modifiers 4 DIC
Dr. Erwin Suazo UPR Mayaguez Nonlinear evolution equations: Explicit solutions, transformations and its applications to Physics and Biology 9 DIC

Spring 2014

Name Institution Title Day
Dr. Akihiro Nakatani Osaka University Disclination Plasticity Modeling for Microscopic Structure 10-Ene
Dr. Angel Lopez UPR Mayaguez A Higgs Particle Theory Primer 11-Feb
Dra. Damaris Santana UPR Mayaguez Bayesian analysis of a linear mixed model to measure the impact of climate change on the yield of common bean for the year 2030 worldwide. 25-Feb
Dr. James Yorke University of Maryland The Many Facets of Chaos 27-Feb
Dr. Micah Leamer UPR Mayaguez Torsion and Tensor products over commutative domains 18-Mar
Dr. Mario Marazzi-Santiago Instituto de Estadisticas de Puerto Rico Transparencia en los tiempos de los sistemas de información y obstáculos a la cultura estadística. 25-Mar
Profa. Marggie González UPR Mayaguez Lesson planning and the role of technology tools for in-service

secondary mathematics teacher

Dr. Alexander Urintsev UPR Mayaguez Implicit Function Calculation 3-April

Fall 2013

Name Institution Title Day
Francisco Proskauer

Alejandro Proskauer

Gabriela Carrión



Escuela Espíritu Santo

Soluciones Perfectas en Olimpiadas Internacionales de Matemáticas 3-SEPT
Dr. Luis Caceres UPR Mayaguez Mathematics in Latin America and the Caribbean 17-SEPT
Dr. W. Rolke UPR Mayaguez The Discovery of the Higgs Boson at the Large Hadron Collider 1-OCT
Profa. Helena Arias Universidad del Valle, Colombia Dengue fever under a predator-prey system 22-OCT
Dr. Pedro Torres UPR Mayaguez Applications of Statistics to Public Health 24-OCT
Dr. Arturo Portnoy UPR Mayaguez Talento, aprendizaje y buenos hábitos en matemáticas: anédotas y opiniones. 7-NOV
Dra. Maria Egle UPR Rio Piedras Changing the paradigm: The Adaptive alpha Significance Level 12-NOV

Spring 2013

Name Institution Title Day
Dr. Michael Renardy Virginia Tech In the well-posedness of the hydrostatic limit in fluid mechanics. 28-Feb-2013
Dr. Pierre Albin University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Ricci flow and the determinant of the Laplacian on non-compact surfaces. 04-March-2013
Dr. Jonathan Farley Research Institute for Mathematics How Al Qaeda Can Use Lattice Theory to Defeat the United States 15-Mar-2013
Dr. Sergei Suslov Arizona State University RogueWaves: A Linear Approximation 19-Mar-2013
Dr. Dennis Collins UPR Mayaguez Measuring Symmetries 11-IV-2013, 3:30 PM, Q123
Dr. Anvar Nurakunov Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic Quasivariety Lattices of Pointed Abelian Groups 11-April-2013
Dr. Gerson Beauchamp UPR Mayaguez The Mathematics Behind Feedback Control Systems 02-May-2013

Fall 2012

Name Institution Title Day
Dr. Luis A. Medina UPR-Rio Piedras Asymptotic Behavior of the exponential sum of distortions of symmetric polynomials 25-Sept
Dr. Julio Rodriguez UniversitäBielefeld Stochastic Switching Networks of Adaptive Frequency Oscillator 2-Oct
Dr. Juan Romero UPR Mayaguez Panorama sobre el analisis armonico moderno 18-Oct
Dr. Pablo Negron UPR Humacao An introduction to bifurcation theory with applications to nonlinear elasticity 30-Oct
Dr. Robert Acar UPR Mayaguez Formulation of Conservation laws 8-Nov
Prof. Pedro Alejo Torres NC State University Quantiles Regression for Responses Repeatedly Measured with Error 13-Dic

All meetings are in Sanchez Hidalgo (SH) 205, 10:45 am.

Refreshments will be server 15 minutes before the COLLOQUIUM at SH004.

This page is mantained by Dr. Omar Colon-Reyes, any comment, please contact